Friday, December 18, 2009


In my 31 years of life I have learned the following:

The past - the past is full of several memories both good and bad but never the less they are the makeup of the person you are today.

The present - is just that, a present. A present that we take for granted all of the time. We spend our time thinking of the future; whether it be tomorrow, next week, next year or several years from now.

The future - unknown to us really but we have wishes and hopes for what our future will hold. Sometimes we take steps to get to the future we desire and sometimes our future just happens to us.

My past has been a great book of lessons both joyous and terrible. My present, though as many, not the exact picture of my desired present, is still pretty grand. My future only time will tell but I look forward to watching my children grow and reach for their dreams. I hope to have grandbabies a loooonnnggg time from now. I want to grow old with my husband and take several adventures on the way to our rocking chairs.

Happy Birthday to me and if your reading this you are a special part of my life. You have been part of my past and present and are sure to be part of my future. Thank you for being in my life.

1 comment:

  1. you really write well my sweet daughter,happy birthday to you!i love you so much.
