Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Destinee turns 12

So Thursday, November 19th my baby girl will be 12 years old. Though she is only turning 12 she seems more like 15 - well into her teenage attitude. Destinee was born on November 19, 1997 after much anticipation. She has always been active and her entrance into this world was no different. In a matter of a weeks time she managed to move from birthing position into heading out feet first. After several attempts on that very day to move her back into position, it was decided that she was stuck under my rib and would need to be C-sectioned. Once the decision was made, I was prepped for surgery and she was born within five minutes of prep. I then had to wait a few long hours to hold her as my body regained feeling. While waiting for that moment, James was introduced to his baby sister which he loving stated "Yes, I got a pink!" From that day forward she was known as the little girl who did cartwheels in mommy's tummy. She is growing into a beautiful young woman and I hope she reaches for the stars but will also plant roots in her life. I am lucky to have her and I love her. Happy Birthday Destinee!


  1. Wow! 12? Seems just like yesterday she was a baby.

    Enjoy the day and the 12 year with your daughter.

  2. that was perfect!perfect song for a perfect grandaughter!happy birthday destinee-i love you.

  3. This day, I can't believe, can't believe those two kids are so big!! I'm like you and your Mom, seems as though it was only a few days ago we were waiting for both of them!
    Yes!!! Time does go so fast, much faster at the later years in life. I wished I could go back sometimes and just relive!! It's so true that family and friends are so important in our lives, never miss a chance to let them know that.
